Indulge with one of these
Therapeutic Massage services
30 Minutes:$47
45 Minutes:$60 60 Minutes: $75
90 Minutes: $110
Two Hour: $140
Swedish Massage is a general whole body massage.This Therapeutic Swedish style massage uses a mixture, mostly gentle and some firm pressure (areas where needed) to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension, loosen those knots, and create many other health benefits. This is the basis of all Western forms of massage treatment. Swedish massage is the most commonly offered and best-known type of massage.
Therapeutic / Deep Tissue Massage
30 Minutes: $47
45 Minutes :$60
60 Minutes: $75
90 Minutes: $110
Two Hour: $140
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. Deep tissue massage uses many of the same movements and techniques as Swedish Massage, but the pressure will generally be more intense. It is also a more focused type of massage, working to release chronic muscle tension or knots (also known as "adhesions.")
Lymphatic Drainage &
Post Surgery
(lipo,BBL,360, etc)
45 Minutes :$60
60 Minutes: $75
90 Minutes: $105
Two Hour: $135
Gentle strokes to stimulate lymph flow and increase circulation. A type of gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph from the tissues space body. The lymph system depends on intrinsic contractions of the smooth muscle cells in the walls of lymph vessels (peristalsis) and the movement of skeletal muscles to propel lymph through the vessels to lymph nodes and then beyond the lymph nodes to the lymph ducts which return lymph to the cardiovascular system.
**Post surgery lymphatic uses the same concept but with varied / firmer pressure as needed.
Sports Massage
30 Minutes :$45
45 Minutes: $55
60 Minutes: $70
90 Minutes: $100
Two Hour: $130
Sports massage is a form of bodywork geared toward participants in athletics. It is used to help prevent injuries,to prepare the body for athletic activity and maintain it in optimal condition, and to help athletes recover from workouts and injuries. Sports massage is generally Deep tissue work accompanied with added stretching.
Hot Stone Massage
30 Minutes:$55
45 Minutes:$65
60 Minutes: $80
90 Minutes: $110
Two Hour: $140
Hot stone massage is a variation on classic massage therapy. Heated smooth, flat stones are placed on key points on the body. The stones are also used to massage certain areas of the body.The warmth of the the stone help relieve tension and is so very soothing. The use of hot stones for healing dates back to ancient times.
Prenatal Massage
30 Minutes:$45
45 Minutes:$55
60 Minutes: $70
90 Minutes: $100
Two Hour: $130
Prenatal massage relieves tired muscles that often occur during pregnancy. This is a gentle side-lying massage that allows for relaxation and increased circulation.
Couples Massage
60 minutes:
90 minutes:
Call for pricing 210-683-6766
Relax with an on-site full body Swedish Massage or Deep Tissue Massage in the company of your significant
other. We offer a couples massage in the comfort of your home, hotel room.
Chair Massage:
Events, Office Visits & Parties!
Also called on-site and seated massage, chair massage includes techniques that provide fully-clothed seated massage, bodywork and somatic therapies to clients, generally in a corporate/business setting.
Chair Massage is a perfect way boost morale, increase productivity, and relieve stress. Chair massage usually averages about 10- 15 minutes per person, focusing on the
neck, back, and arms.
Ask about special discounts with regular routine scheduling.
Call today to book us for your event!
See more on chair massage.....
Add On - Foot Pampering- Scrub, Mask, and Hot Towels $19
Sooth those tired achy feet!
Add On - Face Pampering - Scrub, Mask, and Hot Towels $34
Add On - Added Hot Stones and Aromatherapy $12
It really is a full hour !!!
When we list a time (example 60 or 90 minute massage) that is the length allowed for the massage service, we do not count the time in between each appointment so we can start another at the top of each hour.
It really is an hour massage not
a 45 minute massage !