Massage Package Sale
Mother's Day is May 13th
Moms love massages!
Give your mom the gift of massage or treat yourself with these
package specials - an extra 5% off the already discounted massage
package price.
Package sale - available through May13th
Package rate does not apply to couples massages.
3- 60 Minute Massage Sessions
Buy 3 - 60 Minute Massages Sessions (Hot Stones are an additional charge-see other packages) expires 1 year from purchase Regular Price: $195 Package Rate $183 Extra 5% OFF $173.85
Price: $195.00 $173.85
5- 60 Minute Massage Session
Buy 5 - 60 Minute Massages Sessions (Hot Stones are an additional charge-see other packages) expires 1 year from purchase Regular Price: $325 Package Rate $299 Extra 5% OFF $284.05
Price: $325.00 $284.05
7 - 60 Minute Massage Session
Buy 7 - 60 Minute Massages Sessions (Hot Stones are an additional charge-see other packages) expires 1 year from purchase Regular Price $455 Package Rate $409.50 Extra 5% OFF $389
Price: $455.00 $389.00
10-60 Minute Massage Sessions
Buy 10 - 60 Minute Massages Sessions (Hot Stones are an additional charge-see other packages) expires 1 year from purchase Regular Price $650 Package Rate $572 Extra 5% OFF $543.40
Price: $650.00 $543.34
3-90 Minute Massage session
Buy 3 - 90 Minute Massages Sessions (Hot Stones are an additional charge-see other packages) expires 1 year from purchase Regular Price $276 Package Price $258, Extra 5% Off $245.10
Price: $276.00 $245.10
5-90 Minute Massage Session
Buy 5 - 90 Minute Massages Sessions (Hot Stones are an additional charge-see other packages) expires 1 year from purchase Regular Price $460 Package Price $422 Extra 5% Off $400.90
Price: $460.00 $400.90
7 - 90 Minute Massage Sessions
Buy 7 - 90 Minute Massages Sessions (Hot Stones are an additional charge-see other packages) expires 1 year from purchase Regular Price $644.00 Package Price $579.60 Extra 5% Off $550.62
Price: $644.00 $550.62
10 - 90 Minute Massage Session
Sessions (Hot Stones are an additional charge-see other packages) expires 1 year from purchase. Regular Price $920
Package Price $814 Extra 5% Off $773.30
Price: $920.00 $773.30
3 - Hot stone 60 Min Massage Session
Package of 3 - A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Expires one year from purchase. Regularly $225
Package Price $211.00 Extra 5% 200.45
Price: $225.00 $200.45
5 - Hot stone 60 Min Massage Session
Package of 5 - A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Expires one year from purchase. Regularly $375
Package Price $345 Extra 5% $327.75
Price: $375.00 $327.75
7 - Hot stone 60 Min Massage Session
Package of 7 - A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Expires one year from purchase. Regularly $525
Package Price $472.50 Extra 5% $448.86
Price: $525.00 $448.86
10 -Hot stone 60 Min Massage Session
Package of 10 - A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Expires one year from purchase. Regularly $750
Package Price $663.00 Extra 5% $630.56
Price: $750.00 $630.56
3-70 Min Bliss w/ Feet Pamper
3 - 70 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Expires 1 yr from purchase. Regular Price $276, Package Price $259, Extra 5% off $246.05
Price: $276.00 $246.05
5-70 Min Bliss w/ Feet Pamper
5 - 70 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Expires 1 yr from purchase. Regular Price $460, Package Price $425, Extra 5% off $403.75
Price: $460.00 $403.75
7-70 Min Bliss w/ Feet Pamper
7 - 70 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Expires 1 yr from purchase. Regular Price $, Regular Price $644, Package Price$586 Extra 5% off $556.70
Price: $644.00 $556.70
10-70 Min Bliss w/ Feet Pamper
10 - 70 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Expires 1 yr from purchase. Regular Price $920, Package Price $828, Extra 5% off $786.60
Price: $920.00 $786.60
3-100 Min Bliss w/ Feet Pamper
3 - 100 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Expires 1 yr from purchase.Regular price $357,Package Price $332,.Extra 5% off $315.30.
Price: $357.00 $315.30
5-100 min Bliss w/Feet
5 - 100 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Expires 1 yr from purchase.Regular price $595 ,Package Price $547.40 $.Extra 5% off $520
Price: $595.00 $520.00
7-100 min w/ Feet
7- 100 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Expires 1 yr from purchase.Regular price $833 ,Package Price 758.00.Extra 5% off $720
Price: $833.00 $720.00
10-100 min w/ Feet
10 - 100 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Expires 1 yr from purchase.Regular price $1190 ,Package Price $1071, Extra 5% off $1018.
Price: $1,190.00 $1,018.00
# Massage package sale