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Fall Package Specials:

Available thru October 27th

Please availability until mid November. 

Save an EXTRA 5 - 8% Off already marked down packages.

Save an extra

5% on a package of 3

6% on a package of 5

7% on a package of 7

8% on a package of 10

60 Minute Packages

Package of 3 - 60 Minute Massages (save $7.05 per massage)

Buy 3 - 60 Minute Massages Swedish, Therapeutic / Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Prenatal, or Lymphatic Drainage- Regular Price $195.00 - Package Rate $183.00 -Extra 5% off $173.85 ($57.95 each)

Price: $195.00 $173.85

Package of 5 - 60 Minute Massages ( save 8.79 per massage)

Buy 3 - 60 Minute Massages Swedish, Therapeutic / Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Prenatal, or Lymphatic Drainage-Regular Price $325.00- Package Rate $299.00- Extra 6% off $281.06 ($56.21 each)

Price: $325.00 $281.06

Package of 7 -60 Minute Massages (save $10.60 per massage)

Buy 3 - 60 Minute Massages Swedish, Therapeutic / Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Prenatal, or Lymphatic Drainage-Regular Price $455.00 -Package Rate $409.50 -Extra 7% off $380.83 ($ 54.40 each)

Price: $455.00 $380.83

Package of 10 - 60 Minute Massages (save $12.38 per massage)

Buy 3 - 60 Minute Massages Swedish, Therapeutic / Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Prenatal, or Lymphatic Drainage-Regular Price $650.00- Package Rate $572.00- Extra 8% off $526.24 ($52.62 each)

Price: $650.00 $526.24

90 Minute Packages

Package of 3 - 90 Minute Massages (save $10.10 per massage)

Buy 3 - 90 Minute Massages Swedish, Therapeutic / Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Prenatal, or Lymphatic Drainage Regular rate $276 , package rate $258, with extra 5% $245.10

Price: $276.00 $245.10

Package of 5 - 90 Minute Massages (save $ 12.66 per massage)

Buy 5 - 90 Minute Massages Swedish, Therapeutic / Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Prenatal, or Lymphatic Drainage Regular rate $460 , package rate $422, with extra 6% $396.68

Price: $460.00 $396.68

Package of 7 - 90 Minute Massages (save $ 15.00 per massage)

Buy 7 - 90 Minute Massages Swedish, Therapeutic / Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Prenatal, or Lymphatic Drainage Regular rate $644 , package rate $579.60, with extra 7% $539.03

Price: $644.00 $539.03

Package of 10- 90 Minute Massages (save $ 17.09 per massage)

Buy 10 - 90 Minute Massages Swedish, Therapeutic / Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Prenatal, or Lymphatic Drainage Regular rate $920 , package rate $814.20, with extra 8% $749.06

Price: $920.00 $749.06

Hot Stone Packages - 60 Minutes

Package of 3 - 60 Min Hot Stone Massages (save $8.18 per massage )

Package of 3 - A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Regular Price $225, Package rate $211, extra 5 % $200.45

Price: $225.00 $200.45

Package of 5 -60 Min Hot Stone Massages (save $10.14 per massage )

Package of 5- A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Regular Price $375, Package rate $345, extra 6% off 324.30

Price: $375.00 $324.30

Package of 7 -60 Min Hot Stone Massages (save $12.20 per massage )

Package of 7- A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Regular Price $525, Package rate $472.70, extra 7% off $439.61

Price: $525.00 $439.61

Package of 10 - 60 Min Hot Stone Massages (save $13.94 per massage )

Package of 10 - A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Regular Price $750, Package rate $663.75, extra 8% off $610.65

Price: $750.00 $610.65

Hot Stone Packages - 90 Minutes

Package of 3- 90 Minute Hot Stone Massage ( save $10.25 per massage)

Package of 3 - A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Regular Price $306, Package rate $289.75, extra 5% off $275.26

Price: $306.00 $275.26

Package of 5- 90 Minute Hot Stone Massage ( save $12.83 per massage)

Package of 3 - A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Regular Price $510, Package rate $474.30, extra 6% off $445.84

Price: $510.00 $445.84

Package of 7- 90 Minute Hot Stone Massage ( save $13.78 per massage)

Package of 7 - A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Regular Price $714.00, Package rate $664.02, extra 7% off $617.54

Price: $714.00 $617.54

Package of 10- 90 Minute Hot Stone Massage ( save $15.20 per massage)

Package of 10 - A delightful warm treatment using heated stones to rub away tension. This type of massage can be used with a Deep Tissue Massage or a Swedish style. Regular Price $1020.00, Package rate $943.50, extra 8% off $ 868.02

Price: $1,020.00 $868.02

Blissful Combos with Facial Pampering - 70 Minutes

Pack of 3 -70 Minute Bliss Massages w/ Facial Pampering (save $10.39 per massage)

3-70 Minute- Massage Service of choice (Swedish, Deep Tissue, etc) with added hot stones, aromatherapy and a Facial Pampering- Including exfoliating facial scrub to take away rough skin, a soothing mask , warm towels and finished with a relieving facial massage. Regular Price $291.00, Package rate $273.50, extra 5% off $259.82

Price: $291.00 $259.82

Pack of 5 -70 Minute Bliss Massages w/ Facial Pampering (save $12.66 per massage)

5-70 Minute- Massage Service of choice (Swedish, Deep Tissue, etc) with added hot stones, aromatherapy and a Facial Pampering- Including exfoliating facial scrub to take away rough skin, a soothing mask , warm towels and finished with a relieving facial massage. Regular Price $485.00, Package rate $448.62, extra 6% off $421.70

Price: $485.00 $421.70

Pack of 5 -70 Minute Bliss Massages w/ Facial Pampering (save $14.89 per massage)

7 - 70 Minute- Massage Service of choice (Swedish, Deep Tissue, etc) with added hot stones, aromatherapy and a Facial Pampering- Including exfoliating facial scrub to take away rough skin, a soothing mask , warm towels and finished with a relieving facial massage. Regular Price $679.00, Package rate $618.00, extra 7% off $574.74

Price: $679.00 $574.74

Pack of 10 -70 Minute Bliss Massages w/ Facial Pampering (save $17.14 per massage)

7 - 70 Minute- Massage Service of choice (Swedish, Deep Tissue, etc) with added hot stones, aromatherapy and a Facial Pampering- Including exfoliating facial scrub to take away rough skin, a soothing mask , warm towels and finished with a relieving facial massage. Regular Price $970.00, Package rate $868.00 extra 8% off $798.56

Price: $970.00 $798.56

Blissful Combos with Facial Pampering -100 Minutes

Package of 3 -100 Minute Bliss Massages with Face pampering ( save $13.27 per massage)

3-100 Minute- Massage Service of choice (Swedish, Deep Tissue, etc) with added hot stones, aromatherapy and a Facial Pampering- Including exfoliating facial scrub to take away rough skin, a soothing mask , warm towels and finished with a relieving facial massage. Regular rate$372.00, package rate $349.68, extra 5% off 332.20

Price: $372.00 $332.20

Package of 5 -100 Minute Bliss Massages with Face pampering ( save $16.18 per massage)

5 -100 Minute- Massage Service of choice (Swedish, Deep Tissue, etc) with added hot stones, aromatherapy and a Facial Pampering- Including exfoliating facial scrub to take away rough skin, a soothing mask , warm towels and finished with a relieving facial massage. Regular rate $620, package rate $573.50, extra 6% off $539.09

Price: $620.00 $539.09

Package of 7 -100 Minute Bliss Massages with Face pampering ( save $19.06 per massage)

7 -100 Minute- Massage Service of choice (Swedish, Deep Tissue, etc) with added hot stones, aromatherapy and a Facial Pampering- Including exfoliating facial scrub to take away rough skin, a soothing mask , warm towels and finished with a relieving facial massage. Regular rate $868, package rate $789.88, extra 7% off $734.59

Price: $868.00 $734.59

Package of 10 -100 Minute Bliss Massages with Face pampering ( save $ 22.47 per massage)

10 -100 Minute- Massage Service of choice (Swedish, Deep Tissue, etc) with added hot stones, aromatherapy and a Facial Pampering- Including exfoliating facial scrub to take away rough skin, a soothing mask , warm towels and finished with a relieving facial massage. Regular rate $1240, package rate $1103.60 , extra 8% off $1015.31

Price: $1,240.00 $1,015.31

Blissful Combos with Foot Pampering -70 Minutes

Package of 3 - 70 Minute Bliss Massages w/ feet pampering ( save $9.98 per massage)

3 - 70 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Regular price $ 276.00, Package rate $ 259.00, extra 5 % off $246.05.

Price: $276.00 $246.05

Package of 5 - 70 Minute Bliss Massages w/ feet pampering ( save $12.10 per massage)

5- 70 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Regular price $460 , Package rate $425 , extra 6 % off $399.50

Price: $460.00 $399.50

Package of 7 - 70 Minute Bliss Massages w/ feet pampering ( save $14.15 per massage)

7 - 70 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Regular price $ 644, Package rate $ 586., extra 7 % off $544.98

Price: $644.00 $544.98

Package of 10 - 70 Minute Bliss Massages w/ feet pampering ( save $15.82 per massage)

10 - 70 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Regular price $920 , Package rate $828, extra 8 % off $761.76

Price: $920.00 $761.76

Blissful Combos with Foot Pampering - 100 Minutes

Package of 3 -100 Min Bliss w/ feet pampering ( save 11.60 per massage)

3 - 100 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Regular price $357, Package rate $ 339.15, extra 5% off $322.19

Price: $357.00 $322.19

Package of 5 -100 Min Bliss w/ feet pampering ( save $13.85 per massage)

5 - 100 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Regular price $595 , Package rate $559.30 , extra 6% off $525.74

Price: $595.00 $525.74

Package of 7 -100 Min Bliss w/ feet pampering ( save $16.08 per massage)

7 - 100 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Regular price $833 , Package rate $774.69 , extra 7% off $720.46

Price: $833.00 $720.46

Package of 10 -100 Min Bliss w/ feet pampering ( save $18.83 per massage / $188.80 total! )

10 - 100 Minute Massage , your choice of style, with added hot stones and aromatherapy, and a foot pampering...including a foot scrub, foot mask, hot towels and foot massage. Regular price $1190.00 , Package rate $1088.85, extra 8% off $1001.74

Price: $1,190.00 $1,001.74

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